Sustainable Economic and Migration Cooperation

Switzerland is sharing its expertise in enhancing private sector growth, job creation, vocational education and innovation to support Bosnia and Herzegovina in building a strong, sustainable economy. At the same time, Switzerland is helping local authorities to manage migration effectively and to unlock its potential to contribute to the country's development.

About focus area

Switzerland supports Bosnia and Herzegovina in creating favourable conditions for investments, private sector growth, job creation, innovation and sustainability. This includes improving the economic framework across administrative boundaries, enhancing business services, and fostering competitive entrepreneurship and start-ups, particularly to empower youth and women and promote a green economy.

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Strengthening technical vocational education (TVET)

Young women and men in selected regions benefit from an institutionalized dual oriented TVET system allowing them to find attractive and decent jobs in BiH. The project will enhance the employability of young people by improving BiH’s TVET.

project details
CHF 11.4 million
invested by the private sector in business improvements and expansions
*period 2021-2024
“Switzerland shares its know-how in vocational education to make sure that the private sector receives the expertise that it needs.”
new and/or improved jobs for young people (42% women) created, with 82 companies accessing new markets
*period 2021-2024
micro and small businesses supported (40% owned or managed by women), all still operational
*period 2021-2024
companies provided enhanced work-based learning and mentoring for 643 TVET students
*period 2021-2024

Youth for Change

Supporting the Mozaik Foundation and programs focused on empowering the next generation, we’re not just reaching milestones; we’re creating new realities. This program supports youth activism in local communities, as well as persons who decide to try entrepreneurship and start social businesses. The youth are encouraged to pursue socially innovative and economically viable solutions.

project details