Local Governance and Municipal Services

Switzerland shares its expertise in good governance with Bosnia and Herzegovina's public institutions and governments at all levels in order to increase their transparency and the participation of citizens.

About focus area

Switzerland promotes democracy and good governance by strengthening accountable and transparent institutions which provide quality public services to all citizens. Emphasis is placed on the active and systematic participation of citizens, particularly those who are socially excluded, in decision-making processes.

Through an institutional partnership between Swiss and local institutions, Switzerland shares its experiences in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and supports the country’s voluntary reporting to the UN. Furthermore, civil society organisations are supported in their dialogue with authorities. These efforts contribute to cohesion and foster trust in democratic processes and institutions.

Supporting the development of laws and policies in line with European standards is essential for providing quality municipal services across all municipalities. Citizens benefit directly from safe drinking water provided through modernised and well managed water utilities. Switzerland supports authorities with measures for energy efficiency and the transition to renewable energy, as well as the preparation for new climate realities and disaster protection.

citizens participated in decision-making processes in their communities
*period 2021-2024
people now use safely managed drinking water
*period 2021-2024
people benefited from disaster risk reduction measures
*period 2021-2024
civil society organisations were supported in their dialogue with local authorities
*period 2021-2024
“Switzerland provides its expertise in reducing disaster risks, clean energy, and providing community services, such as water services.”

PRAGG - Proactive citizens strengthen democracy

The Civil Society Support Project “PRAGG – Proactive Citizens” aims to contribute to reshaping of the civic space in BiH by supporting CSOs in creating opportunities for citizen participation in democratic processes. The special focus is on participation of socially excluded groups.

project details

Municipal Environmental Governance (MEG) Project

Based on the good practices of the first MEG project phase (2016-2021), MEG II paves the way for attracting large-scale infrastructure investments at the local level based on the improved policy and regulatory frameworks and local government’s capabilities to manage the investments sustainably and effectively.

project details